Career Profiles:
Sheri Bruder, RPN

Sheri Bruder, RPN, and one of this year’s Nursing Now Ontario award recipients is a mentor, role-model, and a trailblazer with an impeccable work ethic. She came to nursing after a successful career in graphic design and sales and believes nursing is all about teamwork.

Nursing may be Sheri Bruder’s second career but it’s where she has found her calling and purpose.

Sheri Bruder works in the centralized resource department at Brantford Community Healthcare System (BCHS). Her enhanced scope and broad education means her skills and experience can be leveraged in multiple units.

Sheri’s foray into nursing was not an accident. She was always interested in science and particularly the human body. So when the opportunity presented itself, she grabbed it and headed back to the classroom to pursue her dream in nursing.

“My decision to pursue nursing was driven by the fact that I knew in my heart I could support people and be empathetic to their needs,” Sheri said. “Nursing allows me the opportunity to help others, and give them hope on the day they need it the most.”

Known for her boundless optimism, sense-of-humour, and competence, Sheri’s well-respected by the patients, staff and her co-workers. Whenever someone in the unit is faced with the task of a rather difficult IV situation, Sheri’s the first person they seek.

A natural leader admired for her collaborative attitude and kindness towards everyone, Sheri is known to take new staff under her wings and help them navigate through the environment.

“If we don’t attribute our successes to our colleagues then we stand alone,” Sheri said adding she was humbled and honoured by the Nursing Now Ontario award. “Nursing is all about team work.”

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