We are excited to announce that WeRPN is part of a select group that has received federal funding for a groundbreaking collaborative research project funded through the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR): Strengthening the Health Workforce for System Transformation.
The project, titled “Building Psychological Safety in Long-Term Care: Strengthening Equity and Trauma-Informed Organizational Capacity to Support Workforce Mental Health and Resilience,” aims to enhance the mental health and resilience of the long-term care (LTC) workforce. This three-year endeavor is a partnership between WeRPN, the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) and the Ontario Personal Support Workers Association (OPSWA) and will be led by Dr. Rosanra Yoon at Toronto Metropolitan University, alongside esteemed researchers from Ontario Tech University and Ottawa University.
RPNs represent the largest regulated health profession working in LTC, in collaboration with Registered Nurses (RNs), Personal Support Workers (PSWs), health allies, and support services. Ensuring a psychologically healthy, safe, and equitable workplace for the LTC workforce is crucial for delivering the highly skilled and knowledgeable care services that residents deserve.
WeRPN’s involvement in this project includes consultations with our Research Coordinator, Jen Calver, who brings extensive experience in LTC, research, and psychological health and safety at work, and our Director of Professional Practice, Norma Tomlin, an RPN and resilience practitioner who leads the development of professional practice resources, education programs, and RPN engagement at WeRPN.
We are thrilled to champion this research initiative aimed at building capacity in equity and trauma-informed organizational supports. This collaborative effort seeks to create psychologically healthy and safe workplaces for RPNs and all LTC staff through partnerships with community members, the LTC workforce, and a multidisciplinary team of researchers.
Our mission as an association is to improve patient, client, and resident care by championing the critical role of Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) within the health system. We are dedicated to advancing evidence about the value and impact of the optimized RPN role, improving care delivery, leading change for better patient outcomes, and addressing workforce needs.
Stay tuned for updates on this important project and our continued efforts to champion the essential role of RPNs in providing exceptional care.
For more information, please contact us at:
- Email: research@werpn.com
- Phone: 905.602.4664 | Toll-Free: 1.877.602.4664
- Address: 5025 Orbitor Drive, Building 5, Suite 200, Mississauga, ON L4W 4Y5
- WeRPN.com